Innovating to protect biodiversity and prevent future pandemics

Developing tools and innovations for diverse geographical contexts

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What we do

Studying epidemic risk in different levels of biodiversity

Our activities take place across three tropical biodiversity hotspots
with different environmental and socio-cultural settings

Our methodology

How do we work?

  1. 01

    Sampling and Data Collection

    Improving our knowledge of the main drivers and mechanisms leading to the emergence of zoonotic diseases and pandemics.
  2. 02

    Data Analysis

    Processing data with innovative pathogen detection and analytical methods developed for each study area.
  3. 03

    Knowledge Sharing

    Involving stakeholders to support the design, spread and application of novel solutions.
  4. 04

    Knowledge Integration

    Integrating BCOMING findings with local knowledge and scientific literature through the development of seven specific agent-based models (ABMs).

Learn our methodology

Who we are

People with biodiversity at heart

BCOMING counts with partners based across four continents and who are experts in biomedical, environmental and social sciences.

Meet Our Partners
Read Our Story

Welcome - Who we are
Julien Cappelle
With BCOMING, we are looking  to understand the mechanisms that favour infectious disease emergence  and the links between biodiversity and human health. The aim is to  develop biodiversity conservation and disease monitoring strategies that  will reduce the risks of emergence.
Julien Cappelle
Health Ecologist at CIRAD, BCOMING coordinator

Our mission is aligned with green
initiatives and goals

Latest news and events

Strengthening Disease Surveillance in Guinea: Insights from Dr. Djiba KABA

In Guinea, a country with rich biodiversity and frequent human-wildlife interactions, understanding zoonotic disease emergence is crucial for pandemic preparedness. BCOMING has been actively involved in disease surveillance, and Dr. Djiba KABA from the Centre de Recherche et de Formation en Infectiologie de Guinée (CERFIG) has played a crucial role in coordinating these efforts. In this interview, he shares insights into fieldwork, community engagement, and scientific advancements in zoonotic disease research.

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Exploring the Microbiome: Insights into Biodiversity and Disease with Université de Liège

In today's interview, we speak with Pauline Van Leeuwen, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liège, about her work on microbiome profiling within BCOMING. Pauline’s research focuses on understanding how microbial communities in wildlife, particularly bats and rodents, influence disease emergence. She shares insights into her analysis of microbiome diversity, the significance of studying Rhinolophus bats, and the potential implications of her findings for biodiversity, public health, and environmental policies. Join us as we explore the critical role of microbiomes in shaping disease dynamics.

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Understanding Disease Risk Through Biodiversity: Insights from IRD's work 

In our latest interview with Professor Rodolphe (Rudy) Gozlan, Director of Research and Professor in Conservation Ecology at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), he shared with us some fascinating insights about IRD's work in the BCOMING project. The conversation centred on how their work is helping to identify the links between biodiversity and disease risk, with a particular focus on Cambodia, as well as other regions such as Guinea, Ivory Coast, and Guadeloupe.

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